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Welcome to BEST's Blog

Ideas, insights and inspiration for innovative employers and patient experience professionals.

healthcare worker with happy patient

The Year of the Patient

May 26, 2019

2018 was revolutionary for healthcare consumers because patient experience was adopted by the mainstream as a non-negotiable of adequate care.

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doctor speaking to patient in bed

What Your Competition Knows About Patient Experience

January 17, 2019

Non-clinical services are an untapped source of influence that’s actively shaping your patients’ overall perception of care.

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woman hiking w/toddler in backpack

A Simple Solution to Keep Holiday Stress Under Wraps

December 27, 2018

35% of employees view the holidays as one of the most stressful times of the year.

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Improving Patient Experience in the Emergency Department

November 27, 2018

The emergency department is a hospital’s introduction to millions of healthcare consumer every year.

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two women shaking hands in office

It’s a Candidate’s Market. Can You Compete?

October 16, 2018

After recovering from the great recession the tables have turned on employers.

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Reputation Management is a Recruiting Essential

July 26, 2018

Our world of total connectivity has created a level of transparency that’s changing recruiting.

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